

Mobiler Infoladen Wien - biblio>media:take!

The mobile Infoshop is a Vienna based group believing in access to information for all. We are distributing zines, magazines, stickers, books, postcards, badges, shirts and more, made by local collectives as well as groups from different places around the world. The main topics are: anarcha-feminism, queer, self-empowerement, creative action forms, political and social struggles and movements, DIY/commons, ecology/sustainability.

Mobile infoshop travels through festivals, parties, demos and other events in Austria and abroad and makes materials available for a voluntary donation with or without a price proposal – depending on our costs. Zines that we make ourselves as well as those we distribute are creative commons or copyleft, meaning that they can be freely reprinted and spread around the world.



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assembly projects

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assembly rooms

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assembly badges

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