


We are the Haecksen, a group of >850 FLINTA (FLINTA: women, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans, agender) people who are interested in technology. Our goal is to anchor intersectional feminist - and thus socially relevant - viewpoints in the hacker scene. We strive for a society in which these views are self-evident. We recognize both opportunities and risks with regard to our technology-driven society. With our work, we primarily take up the positive aspects and contribute to their implementation. For these reasons, our work is also aimed outwards at society; we aim to shape public space. In doing so, we want to make technology accessible to everyone - regardless of the barriers that society puts in front of them. In doing so, we demand of ourselves to be accessible as a group and to support one another through networking and knowledge transfer. What we want to know counts more than what we don't know.

Our assembly is the meeting point for around 200 Haecksen at the congress. We also organize workshops and discussion groups for and with FLINTA people.


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