


We are the local erfa from Aachen. At our space a colorful bunch of members and visitors regularly meet to discuss everything from everyday matters, technology, but also politics, and whatever is interesting to us at the moment.


  • take apart old hardware to instill it with the spirit of the penguin
  • cobble together software for our space, but also work on open-source software in general
  • occasionally join others in playing CTFs
  • sometimes also do something with wood for more/nicer storage space in our rooms
  • use 3D printing, CNC milling, laser cutting to manufacture or modify some parts of our own
  • have a watchful eye over local politics on surveillance, bicycle paths, court proceedings on the German "Hackerparagraph", and such
  • enjoy open-source software and hardware
  • oftentimes cook together; anything from easy but tasty to more experimental adventures
  • are open for visitors weekly (currently on Wednesdays and Fridays)
  • have 'hajs 🦈

For occasional updates follow us on



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