


Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a thriving present. With its first incarnations dating back to the late 50s, Lisp is one of the oldest programming language still in use.

Today Lisp is still very much alive and kicking, with many available dialects and implementations such as Common Lisp, Clojure, Emacs Lisp, Scheme, Guile, Racket - just to name a few. Lisp, in one of its dialects, is the language of choice of numerous successful software projects.

The Lisp assembly is a meeting point for Lisp aficionados of all levels as well as for the passer-by who's curious and wants to know more. We aspire to attract friends from all Lisp dialects and from all Lisp-based projects that are otherwise not represented at 38c3, such as the Emacs programmable editor and the Guix package manager and operating system.

Our rallying call is "send more parentheses"!

Languages, projects, communities

We're in the process of reaching out to the following Lisp languages, projects, and communities. If you know of any other project that should be added here, please let us know! The list will be updated as we go.

Project Mailing list IRC Other Announced?
Chicken Mail IRC Mail, IRC
Clojure IRC Mail, IRC
Common Lisp IRC IRC
Embedded Common Lisp Mail IRC Mail
Emacs and Emacs Lisp Mail IRC Mail
Fennel Mail IRC Mail
Gambit Matrix Matrix
Gerbil Matrix Matrix
Guile Mail IRC Mail
Guix Mail IRC Mail, IRC
Janet GitHub, Zulip Zulip
Jank GitHub GitHub
Racket IRC IRC
Spritely Institute Mail IRC Mail
TXR Mail Mail


IRC channel and Matrix room now set up for the assembly. Join us at:

  • #lisp38c3 on Libera.Chat

Code of conduct

The 38c3 Lisp assembly is meant to be an open, friendly, and safe environment where people from the most diverse backgrounds can get together, learn about, teach, and discuss Lisp-related topics in a welcoming and constructive way.

To this end, the assembly adheres to the Guix project's official Code of Conduct. Please make sure you're familiar with the document and that you share its principles, if you want to be part of our assembly.

Should you want to raise an issue or discuss any CoC-related aspect, please don't hesitate to reach out to the organisers (see contacts).

Covid-19 policy

We will do our best to maintain a Covid-safe environment. Let us know if you have specific concerns and we will try to help.



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Assembly Projekte

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Assembly Räume

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