Alles, was ihr immer über Social Engineering wissen wolltet, aber nie die Zeit hattet, zu erfragen.
In diesem Vortrag beschreibe ich die Geschichte und den Gegenstand des Social Engineerings über den Tech-Kontext hinaus und erkläre anhand relevanter Forschung, wie, warum und bei wem es wirkt. Die modernen technischen Herausforderungen werden ebenso erläutert wie Maßnahmen, die jetzt oder in der Zukunft gegen Social Engineering getroffen werden können – individuell oder in Gruppen bzw. Organisationen.
What We (Don't) Know About the Most Energetic Events in the Universe
Annika Rudolph, Sylvia Zhu
In October 2022 a gamma-ray burst dubbed the 'Brightest Of All Times' smashed records. But what is that actually, a gamma-ray burst? How do we detect it? And why was the BOAT so special?
How Astronomy Knew 6 Planets, Then Found 20 More, Then Went Back To 8 (For Now)
Michael Büker
The Solar System has had 8 planets ever since Pluto was excluded in 2006. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. But did you know Neptune was discovered as the 12th planet? Or that, 80 years before Star Trek, astronomers seriously suspected a planet called Vulcan near the Sun? This talk will take you through centuries of struggling with the question: Do you even planet?!
a journey from emissions to exposure
Johannes Bieser, Martin Otto Paul Ramacher
High performance computing (HPC) in environmental science is usually associated with research on climate change, investigating the impact of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) over the next century. Besides these GHGs, there are many other gases and aerosolos in the atmosphere, which have a much more direct and immediate impact on human health: air pollutants.
Sofia Kirke Forslund-Startceva
Why do some people stay fit and healthy easier than others, even when following the same health advice? Why does the same medication work well in one person, but not in another? Some of our individuality in these regards may trace to which bacteria we carry in the soil of our intestinal gardens. In this talk, drawing on work by my own research lab at the Charité and on that by our collaborators and rivals elsewhere in the world, I outline what we know, what we speculate, and what obstacles remain in the way of widespread adoption of personalized health prevention through microbiome sequencing.