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  • C3H - Chaos Computer Club Hannover



Since there are projects to map the world, we believe that it is now time to begin with the next layer of the world, the Weather. Most weather stations in the world are controlled by private companies or state institutions, where you have to pay money for the data, we want to create a network of distributed weather stations (microcontroller-based) to "Free the Weather". You can visit us at the moment on freenode/#openweather to get project updates. A website will be soon prepared. :)

Getting things done with Funambol and thinkingrock the easy way

thinkingrock [1] is a java-written open source GTD (getting things done) client which realy helps you to get your things done. Please read the corresponding wikipedia article to get an idea of the GTD concept ([2]). The problem with this client is: It can not sync your tasks with other clients or instances of the program on other machines. That is where funambol joins the scene. Funambol [3] is an open source SyncML server providing a very well documented api, a very easy to understand module structure and the ability to sync everything you like as long as you write a module for it.

The goals of this project are as follows:

1. Write a Funambol module which takes the default xml-task-file from the thinkingrock-client, saves it to the internal database and provides it to the other authenticated clients

2. Extend thinkingrock by a sync class which handles the authentication and the exchange of the tasks

3. Learn some internals about Funambol, its connectors and modules and the development of the Funambol iPhone notification module.

Sounds like only fun for a few hours? Definetly. But hey, it's everything about getting things done the EASY way.


Cloudvpn is yet another meshing VPN solution. It's really small and still in an early stage of development (see [4] for some more details and the sources). We are exploring the possibilities of a meshed vpn which behaves (nearly) like a big switch. Come along if you want to learn more :). Be prepare for crazy ideas about a more decentralized mesh and maybe some additional features like auto-creation of torrents. Right now we are collecting ideas for this project.


Some of our crowd are active CAcert Assurers. If you like to get assured, please just ask someone at our location, you will then (hopefully) be pointed to the rights person(s). For further details, please check out the CAcert project page.

26C3 Public Wiki

MistyLook for WordPress originally by Sadish Bala

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