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[edit] What is the Privacy Workshop Project?

The Privacy Workshop Project is an attempt to increase the value of privacy in todays students view and help them to get in touch with cryptography and other security related tools. We will present more information on this project in our talk. One of our members blogged about the latest workshop.

We are looking forward to get in touch with interested people.

[edit] Who is planning to come?

[edit] What will happen?

Hopefully a lot of chats and exchange of ideas and motivation to move on with the project. One of our goals for 2009 is to increase the numbers of workshops around Germany and to develop own teaching material.

Another actual flaw in the plan is: how to teach the teachers? Most of them (I here recount on my own experiences) are Internetausdrucker (that means: they don't live in or with the net, rather than printing out e-mails or giving other examples of having misunderstood the digital) and have to be taught before we could even think of just giving them a handout to brief their students about the actual needs.

Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz