Lightning Talks Day 4
From 25C3 Public Wiki
[edit] Talks - Day#4
11:30--12:30 CET Room 2 at ground level Floor B --- Saal 2 auf der Ebene B 10 talks max. List closed.
## | LANG | NAME | KEY | TITLE |
01 | DE | Michael Gissing | | E-Voting in Austria |
02 | EN | Travis Goodspeed | CMOSArt | Functional microelectronic artwork. |
03 | DE | klml | Ripple | Developing and implementing a protocol for an open decentralized payment network. |
04 | EN | Sébastien Bourdeauducq Philippe Langlois | consumer | Consumer-B-Gone - blocking shopping carts with your mobile phone |
05 | EN | Benjamin Henrion | stopsoftwarepatents | StopSoftwarePatents - Software Patents in Europe via the caselaw of a central patent court. |
06 | DE | Hartmut Noack | 300m² | Dont think about it: Do it. Room for your artistic visions. |
07 | DE | Alexander Rodis | LBBroken | Der Datenschutzskandal bei der LandesBankBerlin |
08 | EN | Hans Freitag | WFESattelites | How Workflow Engine satellites perforating your DMZ |
09 | DE | Michael Ebeling | Rettung der Welt | Über den AK Vorrat und was man darin so machen kann |
10 | EN | David Dolphin | Eircom FAIL | Ireland's answer to municipal WiFi |
[edit] Talks - Day#4 - Descriptions
- key:
- lang: DE
- name: Michael Gissing (
- title: E-Voting in Austria
- info: Im Mai 2009 wird in Österreich zum ersten mal bei einer gesetzlich geregelten Wahl E-Voting getestet werden, bei den Wahlen der Österreichischen HochschülerInnenschaft
- links:
- key: CMOSArt
- lang: EN
- name: Travis Goodspeed (
- title: CMOS Artwork
- info: Functional artwork scribed in CMOS.
- links: tba
- key: Ripple - alternative finance systems
- lang: DE
- name: klml (of speaker) ( )
- title: Ripple monetary system
- info: Developing and implementing a protocol for an open decentralized payment network.
- links: - Routingsoftware oder
- key: consumer
- lang: en
- name: Sébastien Bourdeauducq, Philippe Langlois (4986 sebastien.bourdeauducq, gmail)
- title: Consumer-B-Gone
- info: The Consumer-B-Gone is a mobile phone ringtone that controls the anti-theft system installed in some shopping cart wheels. Perfect for scaring the consumers away !
- links:
- key: stopsoftwarepatents
- lang: en
- name: Benjamin Henrion (bhenrion at
- title: StopSoftwarePatents
- info: Software Patents stifle innovation. Three years ago the European Parliament stopped the attempt to make software patents enforcable in Europe. Now it is coming back via the creation of a central patent court in Europe.
- links:
- slides:
- key: 300m²
- lang: de
- name: Hartmut Noack ($DECT zettberlin at
- title: Dont think about it: Do it.
- info: You have a vision- be it visual arts, theatre, music - we have the room for it. Non-commercial 300m² in Berlin for a day or for weeks - Audio studio facilities based on free software can be used to produce sounds and to record the performance. Video-production is possible also.
- links:
- key: LBBroken
- lang: de
- name: Alexander Rodis (ar at exec-labs dot com)
- title: Der Datenschutzskandal bei der LBB - LandesBankBerlin
- info: LBB lost some precious data. I'll give you a brief introduction into the how and what, featuring a short branch into how data security is practised by one of Germany's biggest banks. Because of the merely local relevance of the topic this talk will be held in German language.
- links:
- key: WFESatellites
- lang: en
- name: Hans Freitag (zem at fnordpol dot de)
- title: How Workflow Engine satellites perforating your DMZ
- info: Workflow engines are great, really, especially Gentran Integration Suite from Sterling Commerce! I will show you some infrastructure recommendations Sterling Commerce makes to his customers, I will show you the places where I was missing some security relevant switches, and an opened implementation of a perimeterserver Satellite.
- links: until the existence of a presentation a link to the vendor
- key: Rettung der Welt
- lang: de
- name: Michael Ebeling (micha_ebeling edd
- title: Über den AK Vorrat und was man darin so machen kann
- info: Es geht darum, die Leute wieder einmal damit zu nerven, wie toll wir sind. Im Ernst: Ich werde ein paar wenige Worte über den AK-Vorrat im allgemeinen und über uns Superhelden aus der Ortsgruppe Hannover verlieren.
- links:
- key: Eircom FAIL
- lang: EN
- name: David Dolphin
- title: Eircom FAIL
- info: Ireland's answer to municipal WiFi.
- links: Silicon Republic, El Reg, Blog 1, Blog 2, Blog 3, Google results for "eircom ssid", thread (popular Irish forum), Web based tool, Eircom Response letter 1, Eircom Response letter 2