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CTF/List of local teams

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Local teams are not required to register in advance; however, if you already know for sure you want to play in the CTF as a local team, please add your team to this list. This makes it easier for us to plan the CTF.

Please specify if you want to host your vulnimage yourself or if you would like us to host it for you. Note that the number of images we can host is limited.

Team name Size Contact email Image hosting Local-Port
Janet Reno Redemption Fund$ 5-10 please host the vulnimage for us!
nosec / !eof 5-10 please host the vulnimage for us!
WiiPhonies 5-10 please host the vulnimage for us!
61^42 5-10 please host the vulnimage for us!
LIMIT REACHED; we cannot host more than 4 images. Teams self-hosting the vulnimage can still sign up :-)
LEGOFAN ~10 we bring our own image host
SpaceBoyZ (?) ~5 (?) we bring our own image host Local - 1030-02 P13
宮保雞丁 (gongbaojiding) ~5-10 we bring our own image host
gopniki ~10 dect: 4221 In case of emergency we host our own image :) Remote/1036-01
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