From 22C3
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I'm, erhm...
- Thomas Bouve (CraHan)
- 28 years old
- from Belgium
Contact info
- blog:
- email: crahan (at) n00 (dot) be
- AIM: Cr4H4n
- ICQ: 23055424
- Skype: crahan
- Jabber:
- Plazes: CraHan
- DECT@22C3: MAC1
- Member of AquaVille
I'm mostly busy with...
- AquaVille, The Mac congress/camp community.
- OSX widget programming
- Familiar Linux and GPE
- Photography
- Bugtesting the kickass social software application Flock
I'm going to 22C3 and I bring...
- Diazepam, my trusty 12" powerbook
- Sinequan, a little iPaq, but running a mighty OS
- A 5-port switch (Allan you might recognize it)
- A powerstrip (some grounded, some ungrounded sockets)
- powersocket adapter so I can use the powerstrip :)
- Digital camera + table tripod
- iSight
- Belgian waffles :P
- ...
Categories: PHP | OSX | People | Photography | Blogging | Linux | Belgian