The Congress is open for everybody. It is not necessary to register in advance. Just proceed to the entrance and buy a ticket. The gates are open from December 26th, 2005 at 1200h.
If you are a company or a rich person, you might want to consider paying a larger fee to support other people at the Congress and the project itself. If you like to sponsor the event, please get in contact with the crew to find out what is possible.
Chaos Angels
If you want to help us organizing the Congress, you can register as a Chaos Angel. Your help is needed!
If you want to find a place in the Hackcenter for your PC equipment you must register first. A laptop with wireless Ethernet can be operated everywhere. If this is all you need, you do not need to register.
We are looking for thrilling lectures about interesting topics. Please read the Call for Papers to get an impression which topics are interesting for us and how to lay out your talk to get included in our list of talks.
Press accreditation
Members of the press should register first. This makes it easier for us to coordinate interviews etc.