21C3 Schedule Release 1.1.7

21st Chaos Communication Congress
Speakers and moderators


Members: Eva & Gery 4YourEye was already founded by Gery in 1994. So to say he is one of the pioneers in Austria, someone who was present from the very first beginning. Eva started vjing 5 years ago at the VideA VJ-festival in Barcelona. Since that time they work together and created an own distinctive style. 4youreye now is a perfectly cooperating team, they complement each other in many points, they push each other and so the fire of creativity is still burning.

4YourEye does live-sets only. For this reason images come into existence, which never can be repeated the same way. Each show is different, is irretrievable and only for the moment: "This is 4YourEye, this is only a moment in time" Vital statistics... As 4YourEye was already founded in 1994 they can look back at many gigs around Austria and Europe. 4YourEye runs the first VJ-label in Austria called Eye|Con www.eye-con.tv together with the VJ-crew Synoptics. We tend to do work closer with a/v acts like Breakin`Stevens– together with them we did our first a/v act last summer called “My perfect TV” which is a sound-visualised analysis and / or examination of current reports in the media (like TV) and how they influence our critical faculty. Loss of reality in the age of „reality TV“? Projects like this are one of our main goals at the moment…

Projects: 4youreye promoted last summer Austria`s first VJ-Festival called “ContactEurope” and was co-organizer of the ContactEuropeI in Milano / Italy & the ContactEuropeIII in Berlin / Café Moskau. In September 2005 they will launch their own VJ-festival named “Eye|ConicTurn” in Vienna @ Museumsquartier. More infos about this VJ-festival coming soon! 4youreye and their VJ-label Eye|Con is involved in many other projects like www.equaleyes.org – an event with main focus on visuals and VJ-culture. They do workshops and work together with schools like the multi media college in St. Pölten / Austria where they teach “vjing”.
Info www.4youreye.at and www.eye-con.tv


gery at 4youreye dot at

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