21C3 Schedule Release 1.1.7

21st Chaos Communication Congress
Lectures and workshops

Picture of fALk fALk
Day 3
Location AVIT
Start Time 16:00 h
Duration 01:00
ID 262
Type Podium
Track AVIT VJ Conference
Language english

Pixels don't need no money

Ethics of a corporate sponsored VJ scene

With the recent push of large corporations (like Motorola and BMW) or mass media (like MTV) into the VJ scene questions are raised of how we can sustain a community driven scene without capitalistic influence and its main focus on the artistic side of our craft.

This discussion round table tries to shed some light on the on various aspects of a corporate sponsored VJ scene. Parralels will be drawn to the corporate sponsored electronic music bussiness in times of a failed corporate Loveparade. Current VJ events like the Motorola VJ Contest will be put under the microscope and examined for corporate ethics, the artists freedom and the rights. The goal is it to formulate some kind of corporate ethics in the VJ scene to guarantee the pixels freedom, artistic diversity and the artists right for the future of the VJ scene at large.

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