21C3 Schedule Release 1.1.7

21st Chaos Communication Congress
Lectures and workshops

Picture of Jens Kubieziel Jens Kubieziel
Day 2
Location Workshop
Start Time 20:00 h
Duration 01:00
ID 172
Type Workshop
Track Community
Language english

GPG Key Signing Party

A key signing party for people to exchange their public encryption keys.

Do you want to extend your web of trust? Want to meet some interesting people? Visit the key signing party! Send your key to jens@kubieziel.de, print out the list and join us.

A key signing party subserves to enlarge your personal web of trust. Therefore you meet people compare the values on their keys with the data on their passports. If everything seem ok to you, you sign the participants keys and thereform confirm the key.

If you'd like to join the key signing party, read the detailed description in 21C3 Public Wiki and follow the steps. We're looking forward to see you there!

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