Navigieren zur See mit Papierkarten

Event start: 10 months, 1 week ago // Event Information

Village Event
Aug. 17, 2023, 4 p.m. - Aug. 17, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
No Speakers publicated yet
Dry Dock
Team Harbor

In diesem Workshop lernt ihr mit Papierkarten, Kursdreieck und Zirkel auf einer Seekarte zu navigieren. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig, auch Kinder, die mit einem Geodreieck umgehen können, sind herzlich eingeladen (mit oder ohne Begleitperson). In this workshop you will learn to navigate on a sea chart with course triangle and a pair of compasses. No previous experience is necessary, even children who know how to use a set square are welcome (with or without an accompanying person).

Navigating at sea with paper charts Why paper? With free and commercial apps, as well as purchased or homemade on-board computers, "navigation" at sea is easier today than ever before. But what if the GPS or power goes out? Even the U.S. Navy has reintroduced navigation by stars into its training curriculum. And navigation on paper charts is also an essential part of the training for the german SBF See (Sportbootführerschein See).

What to bring? In case of doubt, nothing. If you have a course and mooring triangle, (navigation) compasses, a soft pencil and an eraser, you are welcome to bring them. If you plan to do the SBF See anyway, you are welcome to buy one of the training sets (tip: triangles as large as possible with transparent lettering). On site there will be cutouts of nautical charts, as they are also used for the examination for the SBF See. Contactperson: Koile (DECT: 4280)
