Creating Z-Wave controllers and devices
Event Information

- Typ
- Selforganized Session
- Time
- Aug. 16, 2023, 4 p.m. - Aug. 16, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
- Speakers
- PoltoS
- Language
- EN, FR, RU
- Room
- -
- Host
- Self Organized Sessions
Hacking around Z-Wave smart home gateway based on Raspberry Pi and making your own Z-Wave device based on Z-Uno.
Location: Lemanicus Village (
(there will be the same session on 18 of Aug).
Please take with you:
- Your laptop with
- Access to the internet
- Arduino IDE or VS code installed
- Z-Uno package installed in Arduino IDE (see for details - we will help you with this during the workshop)
- Your Raspberry Pi 3/4 with Raspbian OS (optional)
- Arduino-compatible sensors to build your own Z-Wave sensor (optional)
- Your Z-Wave stuff if any (optional)
Workshop sections 🔗
- What is Z-Wave and where should you use it
- Z-Way controller and RaZberry/WB7 hardware: Controlling switches, Reading sensor/switch values, Making rules, Using JS API
- Z-Uno prototyping board: Making Simple Switch, Adding more stuff
- Z-Uno Shield and Z-Uno Configurator
- Z-Uno Modules
Usefull links for the workshop 🔗
Z-Way controllers on the workshop 🔗
Controller (EU, 868 MHz)
- Smart Home UI
- Expert UI
- WiFi SSID: Z-Wave.Me-xxxx / PSK: Z-Wave.Me
- Smart Home User: admin / Password: ccc
Z-Way documentation 🔗
- Installing Z-Way
- Z-Way doc
- Z-Way JS engine GitHub
Z-Way workshop materials 🔗
- Making rules: Settings -> Apps -> Local -> IfThen -> Add
- Turning on/off a device /ZWaveAPI/Run/devices[NNN].SwitchBinary.Set(0 or 1)
- Reading switch value /ZWaveAPI/Run/devices[NNN]
- Reading sensor value /ZWaveAPI/Run/devices[NNN][12].level.value
- Using JS API /JS/Run/var v = 1; setInterval(function() { zway.devices[NNN].SwitchBinary.Set(v); v = 1-v;}, 2000);
Z-Uno documentation 🔗
- Quick Intro
- Installation howto
- Language Reference
- Examples
- Z-Uno Shield
- Z-Uno Shield Configurator
- Z-Uno GitHub
Z-Uno settings 🔗
Make sure to configure in Arduino IDE:
- File -> Preferences -> Add package source URL
- Tools -> Board -> Board Manager -> Z-Uno 2
- Tools -> Board -> Z-Uno
- Tools -> Programmer -> Z-Uno
- Tools -> Port -> /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyUSB1
- Tools -> Frequency EU/RU (depending on your controller)
- Tools -> Security none or S0 or S2 - up to you
You might also need to add your user to dialout group to have permissions for /dev/ttyUSB*
Z-Uno workshop materials 🔗
Sketch for Simple Switch:
byte state = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, state ? HIGH : LOW);
Sketch in getter/setter style:
ZUNO_SWITCH_BINARY(getter, setter),
byte state = 0;
byte door = 0, lastDoor = 0xff;
void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(18, INPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, state ? HIGH : LOW);
door = digitalRead(18) == LOW ? 0xff : 0;
if (door != lastDoor) zunoSendReport(2); // push update of channel 2
lastDoor = door;
void setter(byte val) {
state = val;
byte getter() {
return state;
byte doorGetter() {
return door;