platform Villages all villages CCC chilly D&B set by dritter chilly D&B set by dritter Event Information Typ Village Event Time Aug. 16, 2023, noon - Aug. 16, 2023, 1 p.m. Speakers dritter Language de Room Marktplatz Host CCC Another DJ who always wanted to play for you at a CCC event now gets the chance to play chill drum&bass. Just the thing to enjoy with a drink in your hand, relax and put your feet up. recommendations Stop! How not to perpertuate social exclusion through ethical code & disability-centred policies 08/17/23 // 10:00 // 0:30:00 How can we push for disability-centred policy and ethial open-source coding as a way of stopping to perpetuate social ex... Navigieren zur See mit Papierkarten 08/17/23 // 16:00 // 1:30:00 Navigating at sea with paper charts Why paper? With free and commercial apps, as well as purchased or homemade on-boar... Garden Hacks & Technology Snacks 08/17/23 // 18:00 // 0:45:00 Garden Hacks & Technology Snacks is a lightning talks session about everything related to open source and gardening: Fro... Gemeinsam Gemüse gärtnern! FOSS und Shareware-Tomaten im Topf und im Beet 08/15/23 // 15:00 // 0:45:00 Ein Rätesystem fürs Fediverse? 08/16/23 // 15:30 // 0:45:00 Das Fediverse weckt bei vielen die Hoffnung, das Prinzip von Social Media auf den Boden demokratischer Grundwerte zu ste...
Stop! How not to perpertuate social exclusion through ethical code & disability-centred policies 08/17/23 // 10:00 // 0:30:00 How can we push for disability-centred policy and ethial open-source coding as a way of stopping to perpetuate social ex...
Navigieren zur See mit Papierkarten 08/17/23 // 16:00 // 1:30:00 Navigating at sea with paper charts Why paper? With free and commercial apps, as well as purchased or homemade on-boar...
Garden Hacks & Technology Snacks 08/17/23 // 18:00 // 0:45:00 Garden Hacks & Technology Snacks is a lightning talks session about everything related to open source and gardening: Fro...
Gemeinsam Gemüse gärtnern! FOSS und Shareware-Tomaten im Topf und im Beet 08/15/23 // 15:00 // 0:45:00
Ein Rätesystem fürs Fediverse? 08/16/23 // 15:30 // 0:45:00 Das Fediverse weckt bei vielen die Hoffnung, das Prinzip von Social Media auf den Boden demokratischer Grundwerte zu ste...