Gazebo SPA

Village: Social Dist0rtion Protocol

Wie bei jedem C3-Event gibt es viele organisierte Vorträge, Sessions, Workshops, ... die du besuchen kannst. Schau die Liste durch und entdecke Interessantes.

The Gazebo SPA is a relaxation place, you can stay during the day, after yoga class or a workshop to enjoy a 15mins free holistic treatment (massage or energetical treatment) to further relax your body.

Or you can come and lie down a few minutes to rejuvinate yourself. Just please, take your shoes off.

🧘‍♂️🌞 Remember to book your spot to assure your relaxing time with Atmajyoti

Hello! I'm Atmajyoti Saraswati, or Atma for friends. I am a yoga teacher, holistic ayurvedic and tantric therapist and teacher. I inherited sensitivity and empathy, nurturing a gift for caring and energy perception. This journey led me to holistic expertise, combining natural pranotherapist skills with over 20 years of self-development. Sensitive and empathetic, I personalize treatments for self-healing and offer holistic consultations, both in-person and online, covering lifestyle, tantric practices, and more. 🧘‍♂️🖥️ My software development background enriched my project management skills, enhancing my ability to guide healing and transformation.


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