From c3stoc with love <3
Event Information

- Typ
- Village-Event
- Zeit
- 18. August 2023 15:05 - 18. August 2023 15:50
- Speaker
- Marie Kreil, manu
- Sprache
- en
- Raum
- N:O:R:T:x
- Host
- Nerds der OberRheinischen Tiefebene (N.O.r.T) +Xhain
The idea was just to make sure CCC Congress doesn’t have one single sticker box with a one hour queue. And we actually still like that idea: A system of sticker boxes strategically placed in various assemblies, and a partnership with ChaosPost to ensure an even distribution of the stickers in the boxes. Year 1 - 36c3 - was a success and we were looking forward to doing it again. We didn‘t foresee that a year later we would be packing stickers in envelopes and sending them accross Germany and the world instead.
December 2022 marked the third year of existence of the c3stoc remote exchange. In the last years we have designed, printed, received and sent a lot of stickers. We learned (almost) everything about paper quality, sticker sizes and shapes, about postage rules and how to pack stuff correctly, about which mistakes people make when creating stickers and about which designs communities around us love.
We’re here to tell you how we organized the exchange, what we learned about sticker logistics and how to make really, really awesome stickers.