// // 2:00:00
In this workshop, we will learn to handle parts that seem impossibly tiny. We will learn a very useful technique (from t...
Ein Village mit Lötwerkzeugen und anderen Werkzeugen für Workshops über physikalische Dinge sowie Raum für Hardware (und die Hardware-Neugierigen) zum Abhängen, Spielen, Kreieren, Lehren, Lernen und Teilen.
Wir werden während des CCCamp2023 ein volles Programm an Workshops anbieten. Es ist nicht nötig, dich für einen Workshop anzumelden - wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst.
Es werden auch Werkzeuge zur Verfügung stehen, die die Teilnehmer für andere Zwecke als Workshops nutzen können.
Du kannst gerne im Hardware Hacking Village vorbeikommen und mit Hardware-Geeks abhängen und dich mit uns unterhalten, lernen, teilen und lehren.
no projects available
// // 2:00:00
In this workshop, we will learn to handle parts that seem impossibly tiny. We will learn a very useful technique (from t...
// // 1:30:00
For this workshop, we will solder a pathlighter badge, which will help to illuminate your pathway at night! Don't get l...
// // 2:00:00
For the hardware used to connect computers with contactless devices, there are two types of kits available for participa...
// // 1:30:00
// // 1:30:00
We will fold our own microscope for having microcosmos fun at camp.
// // 1:00:00
Everyone will learn to solder by making their own **["I Can Solder!" Badge kit](https://cornfieldelectronics.com/cfe/pro...
// // 1:30:00
For this workshop, we will solder a pathlighter badge, which will help to illuminate your pathway at night! Don't get l...
// // 1:30:00
// // 3:30:00
**Arduino** is an amazingly powerful tool that is very simple to learn to use. It was designed so that artists and non-g...
// // 1:30:00
// // 2:00:00
In this workshop, we will learn to handle parts that seem impossibly tiny. We will learn a very useful technique (from t...
// // 3:00:00
Hardware Happy Hour is an informal way to socialize, show off your projects, and talk about the world of hardware. Bring...
// // 1:30:00
This workshop will be a guide to getting experimental with the noises around us. We will learn how to use piezos and ele...
// // 2:30:00
**Learn to solder** by making a way-cool, powerful music synthesizer, and **learn how to make cool music, sound, (and no...
// // 2:00:00
In this workshop, we will learn to handle parts that seem impossibly tiny. We will learn a very useful technique (from t...
// // 2:00:00
Kits will cost £60, €70 (which is just the parts cost), and have all the electronics and a rudimentary enclosure. You'll...
// // 3:00:00
The workshop takes 2-3 hours, bring yourself and a laptop. No prior knowledge is needed. Workshop kit cost 25€. We wi...
// // 1:30:00
// // 1:00:00
Everyone will learn to solder by making their own **["I Can Solder!" Badge kit](https://cornfieldelectronics.com/cfe/pro...
// // 1:30:00
At [Unbinare](https://unbina.re), we believe an electronic device is not an **object**, but an **environmental event**. ...
// // 4:00:00
<strong>Understanding Hydrogen as an Energy Source</strong>: We will delve into the "how," "where," "when," and "wh...
// // 1:30:00
The ATtiny is the little brother of the ATmega, which has gained a lot of popularity in the maker scene in the form of t...
// // 2:00:00
In this workshop, we will learn to handle parts that seem impossibly tiny. We will learn a very useful technique (from t...
// // 1:30:00
<strong>LED strips</strong> have become really inexpensive. Hackers have created many easy methods for controlling them ...
// // 1:30:00
// // 1:30:00
Learn how to work with conductive thread to sew your own circuits. In this workshop we will make a plush sparkle heart e...
// // 2:00:00
In this workshop, we will learn to handle parts that seem impossibly tiny. We will learn a very useful technique (from t...
// // 2:00:00