Session:Decentralized and centralized control: global trends in network censorship

From 36C3 Wiki
Description Let's review the proliferation of network censorship in countries around the world in the past two years, and talk about the areas where we can continue to push back, including current battles being fought to fix Internet privacy leaks.
Kids session No
Keyword(s) safety
Tags DPI, censorship, surveillance
Processing assembly Assembly:About:freedom
Person organizing
Language en - English
en - English
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Starts at 2019/12/28 20:00
Ends at 2019/12/28 20:30
Duration 30 minutes
Location Room:Lecture room M1

In the past few years we’ve seen a massive proliferation of aggressive techniques states are employing to silence dissent and access to information, such as the proliferation of different DPI techniques to identify and block traffic, temporary Internet slowdown measures during political strife, and an increasing number of network-enabled spyware campaigns being launched against activists by powerful actors. Let's review the proliferation of network censorship in countries around the world in the past two years, and talk about the areas where we can continue to push back, including current battles being fought to fix Internet privacy leaks.

Mona Wang is a Staff Technologist working on our initiative to encrypt the entire Internet. She researches and tracks methods of global Internet censorship for our International working group. She also develops STARTTLS Everywhere, an initiative to secure email delivery, and our Let's Encrypt client, Certbot, to secure the web with HTTPS

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