
From 36C3 Wiki
Description A table for friends, drinks and strange tech projects.
Members DerJohn, Max
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Tags friends, gin, shrug
Provides stage no
Location for self-organized sessions no
Orga contact {{{Has orga contact}}}URIs of the form "{{{Has orga contact}}}" are not allowed.
Uses money {{{Uses money}}}"{{{Uses money}}}" is not in the list (yes we handle money, no money handling) of allowed values for the "Uses money" property.
Need fibre {{{Need fibre}}}"{{{Need fibre}}}" is not in the list (no, yes would be great, yes its essential) of allowed values for the "Need fibre" property.
Extra Power {{{Extra power}}}
Near passage {{{Near passage}}}"{{{Near passage}}}" is not in the list (whatever, yes its essential, would be great, definitively not) of allowed values for the "Near passage" property.
Character of assembly {{{Has assembly type}}}"{{{Has assembly type}}}" is not in the list (just a gathering space, place to show and meet) of allowed values for the "Has assembly type" property.
Seats needed 0
Extra seats 0
Aread needed 0
Arrival and build up

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shrugspace logo

We are a loosely coupled group of people from different areas of Germany. During past congresses we always missed to have some sort of home base where we could spend our time between other activities and to have a place where we could sit for longer periods of time to hack on our projects. That's why we decided to register an Assembly for this congress.

We are not planning to give any official public talks or workshops. But if anyone comes by and is curious what we are doing or wants to joins us for some time, we are happy to welcome strangers and have a chat. We expect that there will be at least five of us at the assembly at most times, but probably more during the evenings and nights.

Btw: The name shrugspace doesn't mean we don't care. It's just that we are not associated with any kind of group that already has a name, so we decided to shrug our shoulders on the topic of finding a name ;)

This space is the home of Toni, the ginsporter.

Our Location:

Map to :shrug:space
Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz