Projects:Toki Pona

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Description Toki Pona is a minimalistic language. This conlang is designed to express maximal meaning with minimal complexity and consists of only 120 root words. In fact you can learn it until 34C3. toki pona li pona tawa sina!
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Tags linguistics, language, conlang, constructed language, engineered language, international, communication, toki pona
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Hello! Unlike Esperanto, Toki Pona is a constructed language that favors simplicity over clarity, and touts itself as "the language of good. The simple way of life."

By virtue of Toki Pona's extremely small vocabulary (about 120 words), and order-independent syntax, the language is good at talking about feelings and simple relationships, but not about the finer points of politics, semiconductor device fabrication, chemistry etc. Tokiponists believe this is exactly as it should be.

But hey, we are at the Chaos Communication Congress! So nobody prevents you from speaking about complicated things using one of the simplest languages in the world. Whether you accept the philosophy or not, Toki Pona is fun to speak. Give it a try!

You can learn Toki Pona in one month, so there is enough time to become a Tokiponist until 34C3! And to be honest, this conlang is so easy to learn – whether you'll like it or not, you won't regret spending this little time with it. People are reporting being able to write and read texts after about 30 hours of study. This is the least expensive language learning experiment I know of.

I'm looking forward to have und hear some conversations in Toki Pona at 34C3!


In order to learn the language you don't necessarily need to obtain the official Toki Pona book from Sonja Lang, the linguist, who invented Toki Pona in 2001. I recommend the lessons from jan lope in English or German.


Name Contact
jan Sijeko Twitter: @jan_sijeko, Threema: 2T6SW7FW
jan Tanilo Twitter: @dbrgn, Wiki Profile, CCC-CH Assembly
Your name How to contact you

Further reading