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Description GStreamer based application mixing/compositing live video and audio from various sources. Successor of DVswitch and gst-switch. Tailored to the needs of the C3VOC. In German or English. You can find the source here: https://github.com/voc/voctomix (GitHub - voc/voctomix: Full-HD Software Live-Video-Mixer in python)
Website(s) https://c3voc.de
Type Discussion
Kids session No
Keyword(s) hardware, software
Tags Video, GStreamer, DVSwitch, Recording, gst-switch, python, VOC, voc
Processing assembly VOC
Person organizing NeoFisch
Language de - German
de - German
Other sessions...


Subtitle In German or English.
Starts at 2016/12/29 16:00
Ends at 2016/12/29 16:30
Duration 30 minutes
Location VOC
Subtitle In German or English.
Starts at 2016/12/30 13:00
Ends at 2016/12/30 14:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location VOC
Subtitle MAYBE Meeting, depends on other tasks.
Starts at 2016/12/30 17:15
Ends at 2016/12/30 18:15
Duration 60 minutes
Location VOC
Subtitle In German or English.
Starts at 2016/12/29 19:30
Ends at 2016/12/29 20:00
Duration 30 minutes
Location VOC

In German or English.

For quite some years we have used DVswitch to stream and record thousands of lectures. Unfortunately it is by design limited to SD video and requires a lot of hacks and patches to get the features we need out of it. Voctomix is a solution tailored to the needs of the C3VOC, written in python around the GStreamer framework, allowing cool features and Full HD (even 4k*).

You can find the source here: https://github.com/voc/voctomix (GitHub - voc/voctomix: Full-HD Software Live-Video-Mixer in python)

  • ) with the right amount of CPU