Elektronic Window

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Description One to One communication between different spaces into a closed network. Whenever you want you can open the E-window and refresh your brain, idea, project with someone into your same network.

Just imagine a window through the wall. You just go to the coffee-break area, or to the café, and you can see other people from another space (similar to yours), talk to them, exchange ideas, give and get suggestions on what you're doing. The e-window is part of a multi-level connectivity system between shared working environments: the Multifactory Network. The "electronic window" is a direct way to establish connections between people who work in different cities. In every space which is part of the network there is a window. After one year of "development" are are testing the Alfa version of the e-window in 4 spaces in Munich: MUnichMakerLab - hei Munich - werkbox3 - fablabmuenchen and one in Dresden rosenwerk. When we will be sure we can use a video chat system that is : SIMPLE, OPEN SOURCE, ENCRYPTED will join also : gowanusstudiospace in New York, Freiland Potsdam, Multifactory Mantova, Famo Cose Roma makerspace. In order to develop it in an Open Source way (and make it available for everyone who want to use it in his own network) we are organizing Open Workshops in diffent sharedworkspaces that are members of the Verbund Offener Werkstaetten and involving different developers we meet in those spaces.

Has website https://multifactory.hackpad.com/D-jSZReBOvYQR
Persons working on Lorenza, Svvendel
Tags videochat, telepresence, raspberry pi, decentral communication, window, noncapitalisticsystems, collaborativeeconomy, opensource, ewindow, communication, independentcommunication, multifactory, independentvideocommunication, independent, webrtc, share, knowledge, video, videocommunication, mnemonicwalls
Located at assembly Verbund Offener Werkstaetten
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The Multifactory Network is the attempt to experiment a completely new NON CAPITALISTIC system to produce goods and services. We know capitalism failed, we know collaborative economy based on access to ressources and sharing knoledge, skills and tools can work. We think now is a necessary thing to make another step: build a system that can let individuals connect to eachother and upgrade their projects in a bigger level. The final goal is HUGE, the practical idea to start it is SIMPLE: To create a multi-dimensional COMMUNICATION and EXCHANGE system by physical selforganized workspaces around the World. Shared workspaces (FabLabs, Makerspaces, Co-manufacturing spaces, and all other kind of “Multifactories”) are changing the way goods are invented, developed and produced. Sharing Economy can give a formal framework to develop new concepts, but in everyday work life people need to be in contact, to share ideas and knowledge, and most of all to meet in person. In everyday life, we have so many things to do that we end focusing on our tasks and projects. We know we can travel, meet, exchange, but almost everybody is stuck in his own place. Few people do it, but to travel is important. Travelling can be something different from a vacation, or a classic “business trip”. It is just getting out of the frame, a "change of scenario" which allows you to put away many distractions, to fall away from the commitments of everyday life, relatives, friends, side projects, and so on, to watch to your own project from a distance and grasp the limits or defects or hidden potential. The e-window is a tool that (if it works easily and can be opened or closed like a window) could help people to meet and exchange in a daily basis. The e-window is a BARRIER BREAKER.