Konfetti - Karmapoints for a better Neighborhood

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Description We are a open-source project started at the refugeehackaton 2015 in Berlin. Our goal is to connect old and new neighboors thru an app called Konfetti. It uses a karma like point system to organize volunteer work improving the living quality of all members of the community, connect people on eye level and to produce positive IRL experiences to counter prejudice.
Slides https://github.com/rootzoll/konfetti-app/raw/master/concept/konfetti_33c3.pdf
Website(s) http://konfettiapp.de, https://github.com/rootzoll/konfetti-app
Tags app, refugee, civic tech
Person organizing Rootzoll
Contact: christian@konfettiapp.de
Language en - English
en - English
Duration 5
Desired session Day 3
Desired timeframe begin


Konfetti works as the following:

1. Konfetti points gets distributed in the neighborhood as paper coupons (postcard or event flyer). Those coupons can be redeemed within the app available or Android, iPhone or even running within desktop browser.

2. With this konfetti points everybody can wish for a volunteer task someone in the neighboorhood should do. Cleaning something up, repair little things, a small project or just having a good community time together. If you dont have an idea of your own you can upvote existing tasks within the app and make them more valuable.

3. Everybody having time can doing or help on this tasks. The app offers a simple chat to get neighbors connected. Konfetti on a task gets devided equally between all helpers and now they can wish for something or upvote tasks they think are important.

This way the app becomes a social todo list and task manager for the local community. From the beginning refugees are seen as an equal part of the neighborhood. Social contact gets initiated. Positive experiences counter prejudice and create an immune system against hate stirred up by media.

The software is Open Source and we have a small crowed funding budget to create a non-profit (gemeinütziger Verein). We search for technical and non-technical companions to help on our test run of the prototype in January in Berlin and to roll out an infrastructure for Germany in 2017. International contacts welcome.