Discreete Linux: Protection against trojan-based surveillance

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Description Discreete Linux is an operating system with the special purpose of protecting whistleblowers, human rights defenders, journalists, trade union and political activists and other targets against governmental surveillance attacks with trojan software.

Since Edward Snowden has revealed the extent of the global surveillance of the world's population by governments and intelligence agencies, this threat has continued to grow. Today also numerous commercial providers of surveillance tools are also selling Trojan software to dictatorships and states that proclaim torture. This talk aims to explain the basic ideas of Discreete Linux and show some perhaps not so well-known trojanization methods used by the NSA.

Slides https://events.ccc.de/congress/2016/wiki/images/c/c5/DISCREETE_LINUX_ligntning_talk_new_20161228.pdf
Website(s) https://www.discreete-linux.org/
Tags surveillance, trojans, encryption
Person organizing Ayshe Rustikal, Mark Zorko
Contact: 33C3@discreete-linux.org
Language en - English
en - English
Duration 5
Desired session Day 3
Desired timeframe middle


Discreete Linux provides an isolated, local working environment that is not accessible to spyware (Trojan software). Therefore, sensitive data can be processed, encrypted, and stored securely and is protected against such surveillance and espionage attacks. Discreete Linux accomplishes this protection by the following the three general successive safety lines:

   1. Wall up the entrances
   2. Prevent spreading
   3. Wall up the exits

Discreet is based on two basic principles:

   1. Transparent development and free software
   2. User-friendly handling. Despite the inevitably uncomfortable limitations that such a highly protected environment entails, even inexperienced users should be able to work and communicate effectively and easily.

These safety lines and principles will be explained in the talk.