Austerity Map

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Description We should break the abstract topic of austerity down to individual stories. These are far more likely to create action by people. A solution for this can be an austerity map.
Tags politics, opendata
Person organizing 2martens
Language en - English
en - English
Duration 5
Desired session Day 4
Desired timeframe middle


The topic of inequality and the connected topic of austerity is very important in progressive politics. But it is very abstract. You can talk all day about statistics, the 1% and the 99% but it won't affect people at large unless they can relate to the topic. But statistics aren't relatable.

Therefore I propose the creation of an austerity map where one can see all sorts of individual stories about austerity consequences. In universities this can be for example crumbling infrastructure or overfull classrooms. Such a map would make the impact of austerity visible beyond abstract statistics and could show: Austerity has had a negative impact in your neighbourhood.