Toppoint e.V.

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Description Toppoint - the hackerspace of Kiel
Members Adk, BenBE, Cybe, Franktp, Rincewind80, Rubo77, Sargon, TobleMiner-tSYS
Projects Intergalactic Traveller's Passports
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Related to Assembly Freifunk
Tags freifunk, kiel, art, hackerspace, electronics, creativity, opensource, arduino, maps, open data
Registered on 22 November 2016 20:13:32
Location for self-organized sessions no
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings Big Arcade (with built-in fridge)

Franks LED-Gefrickel Schwammi-Klavier

Projects Having fun with LEDs
Uses money no money handling
Plays TING no
Plays TING skills {{{Plays ting skills}}}
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 8
Extra seats 2
Assembly specification want quiet place, want sit public, want low light
Planning notes Please, place us next to the Freifunk assembly!
past congress review Hallo Moritz/Zeitzeuge, vielleicht kannst du uns ja dieses Jahr einen Platz organisieren?


Toppoint, the very first private ISP in Kiel, founded 1990 as Toppoint Mailbox. Nowadays it's the hackerspace of Kiel, a place to talk, hack, being creative with technology.

Freifunk Kiel and Freifunk Nord are also located at Toppoint.