Description The goal of this session is to start a discussion on how we interact with computers, what kinds of user interfaces and interaction paradigms are possible, how computers can aid us in and shape our way of working, living and thinking with a focus on the grand scale -- thinking big and outside the widely established norms.
Type Discussion
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, software, network
Tags HCI, History, Ideas, Hypermedia, Education, Dynabook
Person organizing Sohalt
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
Other sessions...

The goal of this session is to start a discussion on how we interact with computers, what kinds of user interfaces and interaction paradigms are possible, how computers can aid us in and shape our way of working, living and thinking with a focus on the grand scale -- thinking big and outside the widely established norms. In this context I don't want to make the mistake and be ignorant of the rich history in the field, but embrace great, if often half forgotten, visions, from Douglas Engelbart's NLS, Alan Kay's Dynabook, Symbolics LISP Machines, Ted Nelson's Project Xanandu to more recent developments like the work of Bret Victor and much much more.

Overall I'm pretty open about suggestions and basically just want to provide a baseline to bring together like-minded people and spark interesting discussions. If you think you have a cool idea/addition to the session and/or maybe want to briefly introduce/present some concept/idea please share!

There are no prerequisites for attending other than an interest in computers and the desire to think and talk about what's possible with them.

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