Description Combine the simplicity of Processing with the power of Python and hack the Arduino!
Type Hands-On
Kids session No
Keyword(s) software, coding
Tags programming, teaching, learning, python, arduino, processing
Processing assembly Python
Person organizing Xldrkp
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
Other sessions...
Starts at 2015/12/28 12:00
Ends at 2015/12/28 12:45
Duration 45 minutes
Location Hall C.3

Today Python is a good choice for the coding ninjas of tomorrow. The easy-to-learn language is widely used in various fields and lots of books and tutorials show how to get started but usually take the command-line way.

Processing ( also offers an exciting start into coding for the visually-oriented and can easily be combined with Python using the little-known Python Mode for Processing ( If this team of languages is finally joined by an Arduino, super powers are not far out of reach!

I will talk about my experiences teaching Python with Processing’s Python Mode at university and would like to dive into a discussion about how to teach coding for newbies.

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