Description We will code for - fix bugs, describe and implement features.

Description of the website: "You are a volunteer and want to help refugees? shows you where, when and how to help directly in the field. This platform is non-commercial and ads-free. An international team of field workers, programmers, project managers and designers are volunteering for this project and bring in their professional experience to make a difference."

Its a shift planning tool like Engelsystem - but with a more decentralized focus (shelters for #refugees).

Has website
Persons working on Soenke
Tags Django, Python, Debian, nginx, mysql, postgresql, refugees
Located at assembly Helferlein
Other projects...

The website is currently used to plan shifts and coordinate the volunteers for about 22 shelters for refugees in Germany, constantly growing / expanding. We are currently preparing a rollout in Greece.

We could use the help of additional Python/Django developers, but if you want to help in other ways - there are several opportunities to join the project.

We normally meet in Berlin, but some of us come to the congress and we are always open for new collaborators. If you are interested, just come to the assembly or fork us at github:

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