Start to knit!

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Description For all who couldn't attend the first workshop, and refreshers!

We’re going to go through the process of knitting the knit stitch and the purl stitch step by step, and we’ll also cover things you need to know before you start knitting, and several important techniques (such as how to start your knitting and how to end it!).

Type Hands-On
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, art, inside
Tags knit, knitting, beginners, yarn, needles, hands-on, workshop
Processing assembly CCCFr
Person organizing Medusa
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
Related to Crocheting Hyperboles
Other sessions...


Subtitle Yarn and needles for free
Starts at 2014/12/30 11:00
Ends at 2014/12/30 12:45
Duration 105 minutes
Location Hall 15

For all who couldn't attend the first workshop!

Teaching to knit is great fun. The success of the attendees from last CCC conference makes me offer this workshop again. Creating clothing for oneself produces satisfaction. And: you'll have unique product from your own hands. No other person will wear the same.

Is it a kind of meditation or is it the best way to prevent Alzheimer's?

Whatever: we’re going to go through the process of knitting the knit stitch and the purl stitch step by step, and we’ll also cover things you need to know before you start knitting, and several important techniques (such as how to start your knitting and how to end it!).

Who can take part?

If you are an absolute beginner, you are very welcome! If you took part at the last beginner's course and need a refreshment: no problem, come along!

Supplies you need to bring with?

Needles and yarn for the first 10 participians are available for free!

At the CCCFr Assembly there will be a participiant's list. Please note on the list whether you'll need yarn and needles.

In case you'll bring your own supplies:

  • one skein / ball of yarn, not too thick. Sockyarn or a little thicker will be great
  • straight needles, DP needles or a circular needle matching to yarn (mostly written on the yarn-label)

Please register at the CCCFr Assembly, there will be a list for participants. And please tell us whether you' ll need yarn and needles.

The workshop takes place on Day 4 in Hall 15, 11:00 - 12:45 pm If you may want to contact me via e-mail or DECT 5648 for I'm usually busy as a Congress Angel.