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Description International Freifunk and wireless community assembly (formerly aka "wireless corner"), Part of the "Networks" (Netze) Cluster.
Members Alexander, Andi98, Andibraeu, Andre, Andrenarchy, Baldessarini, Baldo, Barbarossa, Bithopper, Bjo, Bodems, Claas, Cr0ny, Dreadman, Elf Pavlik, Ennox, Entil'Zha, Eriu, J.ohny.b, Jom, Kerel, Kgbvax, Kokel, Mathias, Matrixritter, MeTA, Moreentropy, Mschuett, Mwarning, Nomaster, Ohrensessel, PetaByteBoy, Rabbit, Spralexx, Takt, ThomasDOTwtf, Tioan, Uebelhacker, Vidister, Void, Yanosz, Yrrsinn, Zivillian
Projects Community Cube, Freifunk Forum, Rheinland Backbone
Self-organized Sessions DIY ISP drink-UP/DOWN, Freifunk Gluon v2014.4 Release, Freifunk Webteam Meetup, Freifunk: API Update Party, Freifunk: Beginner-Workshop, Freifunk: Genossenschaft?, Freifunk: News Förderverein freie Netzwerke, Freifunk: Rundfreifunk (Freifunk Radio), Freifunk: best practices for communities, Freifunk: build bigger networks?, Freifunk: drink-UP/DOWN, Freifunk: gateway- and resource-sharing, Freifunk:, Freifunk: peering workshop, How Freifunk Rheinland became an ISP, Störerhaftung Meetup, Vorstellung des Freifunk Forums
Related to assembly DIYISP, Studentennetze
Tags communication, community, networking, net neutrality, meshnet, freifunk, wireless
Registered on 28 September 2014 17:09:25
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes [[Plans sessions::Sessions:

alte Übersicht (Informationen bitte in die jeweilige Session verschieben)

Freifunk Webteam Meetup (Andi, Monic), 29.12.2014

   Neue Dienste besprechen
   Todos updaten :) 

Freifunk API Update Party (Andi), 28.12.2014

   update API Dateien der Communities
   Fragen stellen
   wie wollen wir die API weiterentwickeln?

Newsserver - dezentrale Nachrichtenarchive im Freifunknetz (Andi, Ufo, ...), 27.12.2014

   Synchronisation mit Mailinglisten und Foren

DIY-ISP, student networks and freifunk meeting (28.12.2014 ~ 23:00 @ best Tschunk bar of the congress)

Vorstellung & Bericht Förderverein freie Netzwerke e.V. (Monic)

Freifunk Community Meeting

   community profiles updaten?

Freifunk Drinkup (27.12.2014 ~ 23:00 @ best Whisky bar of congress) firmware developer meeting

   Kurze Einführung in die verschiedenen Firmwares (ff-advanced, gluon, meshkit & trunk)
   Gemeinsame Arbeitsgrundlage finden
   Strukturen für Zusammenarbeit schaffen

Wifi Community Network Engineering (Thomas, Philipp):

   how to create networks that scale
   how to connect multiple layer2 networks
   how to speak to the outernet aka bgp
   overview of routing protocols in use, e.g. batman & olsr 

dezentrale Gateway Infrastruktur (Philipp, x)

   geteilte Gateway Infrastruktur
   verteilt über Deutschland, Welt, Universium
   verwaltet von allen Communties
   Gatway(VMs) als Service an die Communities
   Wir werden eine Aufstellung des Ist-Zustands vornehmen
   Gefolgt von einer Planung für eine bessere Zukunft]]
Other assemblies by tags...
Location -63.23362741232569, -42.01171875
Orga contact
Seats needed 35
Extra seats 15
Assembly specification 3. We need something special or in between those options: Please specify in the field planning notes.
Planning notes We would like to have a spot where it is possible for us to hold workshops/sessions. Last year we were right next to some "podcasting stage". Their volume made it almost impossible to hold workshops/sessions. Some visibility would be helpful, but directly next to the corridor might interfere with workshops/sessions regarding volume. Apart from the podcast people right next to us last year the spot was perfect, as it also was in a central location and good to reach. Wanted neighbourhood: Next to the assembly "Studentennetze" or the DIY-ISP people would be nice, but this is not a must.

Thank you for your effort.


If you are interested in decentralised mesh networks come by and talk to us! We will organize some sessions regarding Freifunk topics and you will be able to get buttons and t-shirts at our assembly.

