29C3 - Version 1.9


Ben Hagen
Day Day 3 - 2012-12-29
Room Saal 4
Start time 11:30
Duration 01:00
ID 5177
Event type Lecture
Language used for presentation English

Securing the Campaign

Security and the 2012 US Presidential Election

This talk will go into some of challenges, solutions, and stories from securing a campaign for the 2012 US presidential election.

Modern US political campaigns are large, sophisticated, and well-funded efforts to communicate with, persuade, and organize national-scale populations. With this complexity and scope comes a number of unique security challenges. The growing importance of technology has necessitated the development of robust and secure solutions that are resilient against a large number of attack vectors.

This talk will go into some of challenges, solutions, and stories from securing a campaign for the 2012 US presidential election.

The speaker led the application security program for a 2012 US presidential campaign. According to most accounts, this was the first position, in a US campaign, filling a dedicated security role.

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