Session:GNU Radio Workshop

Description Introduction to GNU Radio Workshop
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) hardware, software
Tags gnuradio, SDR, radio
Processing village Village:Singularity City
Person organizing User:Crofton
Language en - English
en - English
Related to Projects:GNURadio
Other sessions... ... further results

Starts at 2019/08/24 18:00
Ends at 2019/08/24 19:30
Duration 90 minutes
Location Village:Singularity City

This workshop assumes no SDR knowledge. We provide RTL-SDR dongles and recommend you provide a laptop with GNU Radio installed.

As the “Using GNU Radio for Analog Communications” workshop is a hands on chance to see what GNU Radio is and how to use it. We'll be working through examples of some basic digital signal processing steps and simple modulation modes.

To maximise the time available for the workshop, please note the following remarks found below;

1/ Bring your laptop: As GNU Radio is a software toolkit, you need a computer to run this software. It does not need to be the latest super-top-of-range machine. Any laptop not older then 4 to 5 years should be good enough to follow the workshop.

2/ Install GNU Radio or prepare a bootable USB flash-drive. To allow the workshop to be focused on GNU Radio itself, and not “how do I install it”, we ask you to have done a best effort job of getting GNU Radio installed.

A link to an ISO-image and the tools to create a suitable USB flash-drive can be found here:

3/ Also take a look at the preparation material found here: - Introduction to GNU Radio and Software Radio:

-Core concepts of GNU Radio:

Tutorial: GNU Radio Companion: Enjoy the workshop