Session:Stoatin' Scottish Scran

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Description Learn to smoke fish, pickle beetroot, griddle Scottish oat cakes, cook cullen skink and stovies. All common scran from the Scotland. We are quite friendly, honest. And mostly harmless.
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) inside, food
Tags Foodhackingbase
Processing village Village:Foodhackingbase, Village:Scottish Consulate
Person organizing User:Bigmac, User:DocOcassi
Language en - English
en - English
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Starts at 2015/08/13 15:00
Ends at 2015/08/13 19:00
Duration 240 minutes
Location Village:Foodhackingbase

Scottish Scran Common Dining

Stoatin' Scottish Scran

Cullen Skink

A soup made from smoked haddock, onions and tatties, probably one of the most famous scottish recipies.


A Plate o Stovies

Fae the Northeast oo Scotland, made oo the lefowers oo a sunday denner usually of a roast, it is common to have at events because it is easy and made in wan muckle pot. Usually eaten with oat cakes and picked beetroot, we'll show you how to make the pickled beetroot, oat cakes and the main stovie dish.

Pickled Beetroot

Scotland, because of it's harsh conditions has a challengingly short growing season, so there is a lot of use of preservatives and beetroot is a common side to any meal. During the session we will cook some beets, peal and store them with vinegar, each attendee will receive some beetroot that they pickled themselves.

Scottish Oatcakes

These are also common and can be used in a variety of ways, eaten with cheese or just butter, but they are best to provide a crisp texture to an otherwise bland meal. It is traditional to prepare them on a griddle, but they can be baked just as easily in an oven.