The best nut cream on this planet (dessert, vegetarian/vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free)

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Nut creams are very tasty and healthy desserts suitable for most people with allergies (except for nut allergies, sorry!). You can prepare creams and butters from all types of nuts, based on their availability to you and the stamina of your blender. In most basic form known as the butter, they are the vegan option instead of standard diary-based butters and cheese spreads and serve as the basis for numerous pestos, salsas and bread spreads. In this equivalent, the cream, they are sweetened and less thick, so that they can be used as creamy stuffing for your desserts or eating as such. Try also freezing them to get a viable and healthy ice-cream substitute!



400 g of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, and the formidable peanuts)

malt or agave nectar

green tea or plan milk (almond, rice, soy)

dried fruit (option)

jam (option)

choco nibs or carob powder (option)

vanilla pods (option)

pinch of sea salt

Equipment needed

powerful blender for nut grinding


fridge (option)


Preparation Time

  • 10-15 minutes baking
  • 10-15 minutes preparations
  • possibly additional cooling and freezing


  1. Before processing, put the nuts into oven on a baking tray until they start to sweat (takes usually 10-15 minutes)
  2. While still hot, put the nuts into a powerful grinder and start grinding them
  3. use a spatula or a scraper to push the nuts onto the blades so that they are thoroughly and evenly ground
  4. With no or very little green tea or a similar plain liquid, you can produce the butter
  5. Blending further with larger amounts of liquid, with pinch of salt and a sweetener of your choice, you will produce a smooth, sweet nut cream
  6. You may enrich the pure nut cream with other substances to add color, taste, and structure
  7. Once the cream is smooth and has the right taste, place into glasses, bowls, plastic cups or say ice cube forms and either serve or cool down/freeze
  8. When stored well, the cream will stay fresh for up to two weeks


  • Soak dried fruits and blend just as the nuts into a paste (e.g. raisins). Mix nut cream and raisin paste to get new and interesting tastes and colors. You may also like to stack layers of different pastes and creams for more colors and new tastes
  • The same can be done with jams
  • Add vanilla seeds and/or choco nibs to make your cream vanilla and/or chocolate
  • Experiment with spices, such as saffron (to make your cream yellow), cinnamon and cardamon
  • Blueberries make things nicely blue
  • While strawberries and raspberries are ideal for red
  • Freeze the cream into ice cubes and use them as a decoration of other desserts or meals in creative ways
  • combine fresh fruits with nut creams, cooled down or frozen. What about baked bananas or peach halves?

Nutritional benefits

Unlike other types of desserts and sweets, nut creams are relatively low-caloric, particularly with respect to their high nutritional value. Given that they do not contain flour, sugar, milk and eggs, they are suitable for people with allergies and food sensitivities.

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