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Please use #CCCamp11 to tag your pictures and other media.

And remember to mention the license under which your photos are published.



Your stuff on {media,ftp}

Visit the Infodesk if you want to upload your camp 2011 event photos, videos or audio files to


night panorama, full size But remember, do not enter the hangars without clearance, it can be quite dangerous up there (creative commons, non commercial, share alike)


Gallic Village tour on AN-2 filmed on a MK2, sorry, was myself under the impression. don't forget to up the resolution in youtube, the material is fullhd. no correction, no cuts, only live ...

le vol avec l'antonov AN-2 (sans correction de teinte ou de bruit ...

(le clip 4 manque, c'est normal, clip 4 is missing, it is normal)

ThX for User:AlexX for filming and taking photoshoots


The Earth
Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz