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Village for families, that means people bringing kids. This village will be quiet at night and there will be kids around for other kids to play with. If somebody brings toys/games this will be great. Depending on the number of kids/adults we can organize some activities and watch the kids so the parents can have some time for themselves (no dropping off your kids though, everyone should help out)

UPDATE: seems there are lots of hackers with kids now, updated the count of people

Population 100
100 m
500 ft
Citizens Alex111Bayern, Alien8, Antihec, Artifex, Asia, Bastiaan, Drayde, Fb, Fightling, Flyko, Foz, Gorman, Hub2011, Iksypsilon, Itsme, Joebarbar, KTC, La23ng, Lupo, Manu, Marauder, Melle, Neza, Pebcak, Pluto, Spikkie, Thete, Tutmann, Unwired, Verena, Wintamute (31)




[<>]  Family [<>] DECT [<>] Date Arrival [<>] Date Departure
Alex111Bayern 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Alien8 2455785.512 August 2011 2455756.514 July 2011
Antihec 4110 2455781.58 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Artifex 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Asia 2742 vanity 2455781.58 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011
Bastiaan 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Drayde 4230 2455783.510 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011
Fb 2455751.59 July 2011 2455757.515 July 2011
Fightling 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Flyko to be assigned.. 2455778.55 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Foz 2455784.511 August 2011 2455786.513 August 2011
Gorman 4260 2455782.59 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011
Hub2011 2455782.59 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011
Iksypsilon 2828 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Itsme 2455781.58 August 2011 2455786.513 August 2011
Joebarbar 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
KTC 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
La23ng 2455783.510 August 2011 2455786.513 August 2011
Lupo 5876 vanity 2455781.58 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011
Manu 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Marauder 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Melle 2828 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Neza 6085 2455781.58 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Pebcak to be assigned 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Pluto 2455781.58 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011
Spikkie 2224 2455781.58 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011
Thete 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Tutmann to be assigned.. 2455782.59 August 2011 2455786.513 August 2011
Unwired 4662 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Verena 2356 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Wintamute 6699 2455782.59 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011


note: to add yourself to this list, go to your user page, -> edit -> add text: {{Person}} then save, then click 'edit with form' -> now you can enter all kinds of interesting details


If there's enough kids, we can organize some activities and workshops for these little hackers. Some ideas might be a soldering workshop, a lockpicking workshop, baking pancakes, ...

Here are ideas from HAR 2009 family village and CCC Camp 2007.

When What Age Notes
Saturday, 10:30 Soldering for Kids Age 4 and up Soldering workshop for kids at the H_x^2 Hardware Hacking tent. Workshop leader Mitch Altman.
Saturday, 15:00 Magician shows some magic stuff Age 6 and up With @KompaLaw - If it´s not raining...
... DNA-extraction from a kiwi ... I can offer a DNA-extraction-from-a-kiwi workshop, but I don't speak German (supposing there's going to be a lot of German kids, I would appreciate some translation help) --Aliekens 20:48, 14 June 2011 (CEST)
... FabLab workshop ... I'm trying to do a FabLab workshop for kids. Probably creating some wooden animal toys with the help of a laser cutter. We'll be using Inkscape, so anyone old enough to draw something in there can join. We can use the facilities of the FabLab Truck (see [FabLabStuff]), so the workshop will be there. --drayde
... Finger/body-painting 0+ we can bring some finger / body paint--Iksypsilon
... Baking waffles 3+ Manu brings a waffle iron, we can bring one as well - makes already two, so we can throw a little waffle party. we can buy ingredients on the spot. --Iksypsilon
... Kids olympics Some good ideas here, sections "Spiele mit wenig Material", "Spiele für Draussen", "Naß und Dreckig" or there --Iksypsilon
... handicrafts / making sock toys I would hold a sock toy workshop for kids and nerds, that might become really funny. Please bring old (washed!!..) socks (also if you don't want to participate, just for collecting material!). For all kind of handicrafts we might also need glue, glue sticks, hot-melt guns and hot-melt adhesive, old buttons, scissors, .. I will bring mine but more would be better --Manu
... light cubes I have been told that a workshop for kids to make light cubes will be held on saturday, either in the workshop shelter or around area A5 (close to LeiwandVille) --Iksypsilon

How many kids?

To get an overview on the number of kids to expect, might help to plan any activities better. (Sorry for duplication, found no better way to organize this info.)--Iksypsilon

Admin Number Age Language
Alex111Bayern 3 10, 9, 5
Antihec 1 4
Artifex, thete 1 Hanna(3) German
Bastiaan, Jolanda 2 Quint(5),Thorben(2) Dutch
Drayde 2 Lilith 7, Simon 10 German
Verena 2 2,4 German
Fightling 1 Marla (6) German
Fb 3 5,3,0 German
Foz 1 Ivana (5) English, German, Croatian
iksypsilon, melle 2 Max (3), Arthur (1.5) German
Itsme, Bine 2 Filip(3), Jan(5) Dutch, they understand some german
Marauder 1 2
Neza 1 3.5
Wintamute 2 3,4 German
Gorman 1 5 German
alien8 3 2,4,5 German, they understand some English
joebarbar 1 Yago(2,5) French, Japanase, Italian (no german :-( )
Hub2011 1 Francesca(6) German
Unwired 3 4, 9, 11 German
Lupo 1 1 Polish, German, Dutch Basics, international children language
Spikkie 2 Fabio(2),Felix(4) Polish/Polski, German/Deutsch, Dutch/Nederlands,
jeedi & juja 1 2 German
aliekens 1 6 (Staf) Dutch, ICL (will reside in other village, but will come over for visits)
Pluto 2 7 Senta & Lilli German
KTC 2 Theodor (4), Konrad (2) German
tutmann 1/2 10 Tim (2.9 Max) German, English
Manu 2/3 Mo 7, Lou 5, evt. friend Matt 7 German, French (a part of our family might only arrive by 08/11 or so, not sure yet)
vvk 1 Eva (5 weeks) infanties
Pebcak 1 Vincent (10) German, English


What's available to share:

  • electric hot plate, waffle iron, balloons, drawing/painting stuff --Iksypsilon
  • orga promised that we can get four fold tables (biertische) plus benches - for activities like painting, handicrafts, eating together etc. (but: they did not answer yet if there will be a rent) --Iksypsilon
  • does somebody know where the next Datenklo or power supply will be? --fightling
  • We will bring 50m CAT6 cable, 40m power supply, waffle Iron, grill. We hope we will have some space for our camper --KTC
  • electric water kettle, waffle iron and toaster --Manu
  • OLPC, Kniffel, some Toys, drawing/painting utensils, Beachshelter --Pebcak
  • the Hexenhäuschen (behind Imbiß area) is open, it has a room with a few desks and painting/handicrafts utensils. the kids can use it, should be nice if it's raining again


Will there be campers/Caravans allowed in the Family Village?

We are bringing an infant. It will be hell if we would have to sleep in the main area with all the noise

The Earth
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