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Special Camp-Offer
DB is offering you a special ticket for your travel from "Any DB-Station" > Eberswalde > "Any DB-Station". You can book it by calling +49 (0)1805 / 31 11 53 and stating the Code "CCC" or "Chaos Communication Camp". Please note: From Eberswalde you'll need a busticket to Finowfurt. The bus-ride is NOT included. The Hotline is available Monday to Saturday 08:00-21:00 o'clock and cost you 0,14Euro/minute from german telecom landline (T-Com) - from german cellphone network max. 0,42Euro/minute.
You will need to tell the guy on the phone your credit card or german bank account-number ("Lastschrift") in order to book and pay the ticket. They won't send you your ticket by snailmail, you have to get your "BahnTix" at a DB-Vending-Machine (further instructions)
Please remember: You have to book at least 3 days prior traveling!
You can choose between different types of tickets.
- First possible day of travel: 08.08.2011
- Last possible day of travel: 16.08.2011
The ticket is not valid for travel before or after this timeframe!
Fixed Ticket ("Zugbindung")
A "fixed ticket" (in german called "with Zugbindung") means, that you have to choose your train at the time of booking and have to stick to it!
- 2nd class: EUR 99,00
- 1st class: EUR 159,00
Although, when the Deutsche Bahn messes up your connection (as opposed to messing it up yourself like by being too late), for example when your train is delayed and in consequence you miss your connecting train, you can have your ticket signed by the conductor or at the next DB Service Point or DB Reisezentrum and then you're not bound to your booked trains anymore. But remember, only when it wasn't your own fault!
Please note: There is only a limited number of this type of tickets!
Normal Ticket
You don't have to choose a train, you just get in and you're done.
- 2nd class: EUR 119,00
- 1st class: EUR 179,00
Exchange/Return policy/Stuff
You can exchange or return this tickets until one day before the day of travel for a fee of EUR 15,00. After this moment, you're out of luck. Seat reservations are never refunded.
Additional rebates (bahncard, businesstravel-rebates, etc.) are not applied.
The use of night trains (DB Nachtzug) or ICE Sprinter is subject to additional fare!
Anonymous ticket
You don't want to tell DB your credit card or bank account number but still want the ticket?
In that case, please find someone else to pay directly for your ticket, as the hotline is the only official way to buy this ticket.
If you are working at a DB-Agentur and want to sell these tickets anonymously to other people, please contact User:Martin, and we will set you up with the relevant booking-information for NVS. Please remember, that selling this ticket won't increase your agency-revenue according to the new provision model introduced by DB-Vertrieb.
Questions regarding the Veranstaltungsticket
Please do not ever !!! contact the camp-orga with questions concerning the ticket - they have nothing to do with it!
Please call instead the DB-Hotline with your questions or - if you are shy and don't want to call them - leave your question here: User:Martin
If you are more than 6 persons that want to travel by train, you may want to check DB Gruppe und Spar. You can check the availability of reduced tickets (There is a 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% or 70% discount) and contact DB directly for booking.
Individual Travel
Lookout for Sparpreis-Tickets, that are available from EUR 19 to EUR 99 (2nd class)/ EUR 49 to EUR 149 (1st class).
Look close - sometimes booking your ticket in 1st class will result in a cheaper fare than in 2nd class!
Monthly Pass
There's a summer special called "Weltmeisterinnen-Pass" (English version), valid aboard almost all trains and for a full month but not beyond August 31st. And yes, it's sold even after August 1st. This might be interesting if you plan to travel around in Germany and/or you come in pair, it's more flexible than the Special Camp-Offer above.
Pros: No "Zugbindung" (fixed ticked), no limited number, available at each ticket office or (anonymously) vending machine.
Cons: Each trip must include a "long-distance train" (ICE, IC, EC), 2nd class only, no refund, reservations are not included, tickets are personalized.
- Single person (below age 27): EUR 249
- Single person: EUR 299
- Two persons: EUR 399 (may still be used by just one of them)
See also (in German): A technical document with all the gory details
You know someone who works as a travelagent and is able to sell DB-railway-tickets? And he's coming with you to the camp? Great!
DB offers a so called "Expi&Friend"-ticket, where 2 persons can travel to any destination oneway for 49,00 Euro (1st class: 79 Euro).
If you are a travelagent as described above, you can have a rountrip-ticket for yourself for 49,00/79,00 Euro.
In both cases, the travelagent needs to present his DRV- or travelagency-ID-card on the train. (If you don't have such a card and get caught, you'll get screwed for fare dodging... Don't say, we haven't told you!)
This offer can be booked [here]
Schönes-Wochenende - oder Quer-durchs-Land - Ticket
If you dont want to splash the cash without reason, you always should use these tickets who are always available under 40, 50 Euros...
Please note: Those two ticket-types are only valid for regional-train-service. This excludes highspeed-trains like the ICE. If you're travalling from far away, you probably want to check first, how much more time your trip on a "Regionalzug" will take.
Save more
Do you know someone who works at a big company like (for example) Siemens or is member of the "Pfadfinder"? Ask them to book your ticket, they can provide you with an additional 10% discount on regular priced tickets (no Sparpreis) - that includes even tickets with Bahncard-discount.
Please note: As written above, Siemens is just an example! Siemens-Policy prohibits their employees to use the discount on private travel. But there are other big companies, that don't... If in doubt, ask your local travel-manager.
People in Munich can contact User:Martin for buying 10%-discounted tickets directly in Munich.
Discount Codes
Please put any discount codes you do not need here so other people can use them. code / valid until AFZY4XG1 / 12.09.2011 OPMMXLG3 / 12.09.2011