Easter(h)egg 2003

The workshop weekend

* 18.-21.4.2003

* Hamburg


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* About easter(h)egg
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* Workshops
* Schedule
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* Schlaf Börse
* MFG Börse * Aliens

 + Infos
Contributor: Falk Stern, Peter Schwindt
Topic: High-Availability Concepts and Failover Solutions
Content: This workshop should be an introduction to High-Availability and load-balancing concepts. It shall provide the possibility to play and tinker with hardware not everyone has available at home. Production of new ideas is desired and participation is wanted.

Rough schedule:
- What do we want to do?
- What for do I need HA?
- How can I cluster Linux computers? (openMosix, Loadbalancing)
- What software is required for that purpose?
- Which applications can I balance?
- How must I customize my applications to faciliate loadbalancing?

german. (although english should not be the problem ;)

Maybe the result will be a highly-available easterhegg website.

- Linux Virtual Server (http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org)
- ldirectord (http://www.ultramonkey.org/2.0.0/ldirectord.html)
- lvs-kiss (http://lvs-kiss.sf.net)
- drbd (http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/reisner/drbd/)
Requests: Anyone who is interested in technology and won't boggle before deeper access into the subject, is heartly invited to join. Basic Linux knowledge is an advantage and will really help.

The hardware for this workshop is kindly provided by mobile.de.
Kontakt: mailto:falk@garblfarz.de


Kontakt: mailto:mail@hamburg.ccc.de
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