Deutsch   [NEWS]

./easter -h -egg
Easter 2002 -- March 29th till April 1st -- "Haus der Jugend" in Düsseldorf

24.03.2002  Registration for Daemons is closed

Since thera are enough Daemons now, the Registration for Daemons is closed.

22.03.2002 - Lunch-order no longer possible

Since our cook has to plan the purchase, it is no longer possible to order the lunch within the registration. But do not be worried: there will be surely some more portions.

Apart from that there will be the "breakfast" all day long. In addition to this breakfast you can buy Börek and turkish Pizza for little money.

21.03.2002 - Transferal confirmation sent

Who paid the registration-fee till tuesday-evening (19.03.), received now an confirmation-e-mail. We will do a further check in some days.

Excuse if you received a German e-mail but we did not saved your preferred language!

18.03.2002 - Power- and network-cables

There are not so many sockets in the "Haus der Jugend". So we ask everybody bringing as many extension cords with sockets that at least one socket will be free for cascading more.

It is a little bit different to the network. Beside providing WLan, we try to have at least one Switch per room. You may bring ether such a long cable that is it enough for yourself or place a Hub or Switch on the table.

17.03.2002 - Lift to ./easter -h -egg

As to every CCC event we link to "Ennos Mitfahrgelegenheitenbörse". Everybody may register who can offer a seat in his/her car or is looking for one empty one. With a little portion of luck the ride will become cheaper for both.

14.03.2002 - Workshopschedule is online

Now, the first schedule of workshops is online. There may be some changes, but it is a first info for your personal ./easter -h -egg plan.

08.03.2002 - Coffee for breakfast

As we like the idea of having breakfast the whole day just like last year in Hamburg, we decided to offer this.

A good breakfast includes coffee, which is free (as in "beer" not in "speech") for everybody as long as we have powder and water. We will also supply you with an "./easter -h "-egg-mug. Besides coffee we will offer turkish tea or sparkling mineral water.

In addition to the breakfast you can buy Börek and turkish Pizza for little money or you just registration yourself for lunch.

We also sell Club-Mate, jolt-Cola and other softdrinks, juices, beer and wine, which can be enjoyed in the snugly Cafeteria till deep into the night.

18.02.2002 - The registration is online

You can register now for the ./easter -h -egg! We will ask for your interests regarding the workshops. More information about offered and requested workshops is available at Workshops.

15.02.2002 - There will be an Internet connection

During the ./easter -h -egg we won't be disconnected from the outside. The ISP ish will sponsor a broadband-connection.

30.01.2002 - Accommodation

Düsseldorf is like a desert concerning possibilities to stay for a reasonable price. There are many hotels but usually they cost about 50&euro and more. You can stay pretty cheap at the two youth hostels in Düsseldorf but they are both on the other side of the Rhine. An other possibility is to stay in Ratingen.

Ratingen might be even better if you want to use buses or trams because you just have change once but the ticket is more expensive. It takes about 30 minutes to go from either youth hostel to the "Haus der Jugend". You can check the price for the tickets at the information of the Verkehrsverbundes Rhein-Ruhr. They offer tickets for a whole day which are valid for five persons.

We have listed some more accomodations.

29.12.2001 - We collect offers for workshops

You can send us offers for a Workshop by using the form. We will collect and process them.

27.12.2001 - ./easter -h -egg online

The first information about ./easter -h -egg are online just in time for the 18C3.

The most interesting Information is available in some kind of FAQ about the ./easter -h -egg.

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