Hub Wiki Intro (en)
This page describes how to use links, tables and other things as well as formatting (bold, italic, etc.) text in wiki pages.
The wiki supports the basic markdown formatting options. Unfortunately some features like images and containers are not supported.
Creating a new page
To create a new Wiki page either just open the URL you want to place your page at, e.g.:
or add a link to the page in another page, e.g.: [[my-awesome-page]]
. Once you opened your desired paged and are logged in to the hub you can add new content there.
Headings and text formatting
Headlines are introduced with the rhombus sign ##
. You can use 1 to 6 rhombus signs per heading. 6 signs are the smallest available heading. 1 sign is the titel or main heading of a page.
⚠️ Ideally only headings 2-6 are used. The page title is already shown as a top level heading.
Side note: Strictly speaking, the number of rhombus sign does not describe the size of the heading, but the hierarchy of the headings. This means, for example, that headings with a single rhombus should only occur once per wiki page (as each document can only have one main heading, otherwise there would be two documents). In this wiki, this heading (with 1 rhombus) is already used for page titles, so for technical correctness all headings in the text should be introduced with two or more rhombuses.
# Heading 1 (already in use for page titles)
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
Example: this text is bold this text is italic this text is strikethrough
Text can be formatted bold or italic by using **
and *
to enclose it:
**this text is bold**
*this text is italic*
~~this text is strikethrough~~
Paragraphs are added automatically after at least one empty line:
This is the first paragraph.
This is the second paragraph.
Linking pages outside the wiki
The link text is stated in square brackets []
the link itself in rounded brackets ()
directly afterwards:
⚠️ In case an external link is clicked, the wiki will interpose a warning page to prevent external pages from disguising themselves unnoticed as official hub pages.
Linking wiki pages
Other wiki pages can be linked by their page name:
[[page name]]
[[page name|Linktext]]
Linking users
Example: @admin
A user can be linked using a prefixed @
Linking an assembly/project/room
Some entities can be directly linked bei their technical name (slug). The slug is visible in the backoffice and part of the URL the entity can be viewed.
To link an element:
[Link to an Assembly](assembly://slug-of-the-assembly)
[Link to a Projekt](project://slug-of-the-project)
[Link to a Raum](room://slug-of-the-room)
Unnumbered Lists
- Example List
- a second entry in the list
- a third entriy in the list
- ...with a sub list
- with another sub list
- ...with a sub list
For each list entry a star sign *
will be prefixed to the line. In order to start a sub list its elements need to be prefixed with 2 additional spaces.
Instead of the star sign a dash -
can be used as well.
* Example List
* a second entry in the list
* a third entriy in the list
* ...with a sub list
* with another sub list
Numbered Lists
- first list entry
- second list entry
- third list entry
Every list entry gets prefixed with a number.
Side note: independent of the number prefixed to a line the wiki will automatically show the correct number based on the amount of previous entries in the list. The following two examples will be displayed the same.
1. first list entry
2. second list entry
3. third list entry
1. first list entry
1. second list entry
1. third list entry
Table columns are separated with |
. A new line equals a new table row.
| Column 1 | Column 2 |
| Value 1 | Value 2 |
Results in:
| Column 1 | Column 2 | | Value 1 | Value 2 |
A header in the table can be achieved by separating it with a row containing dashes -
| Column 1 | Column 2 |
| --------- | --------- |
| Value 1 | Value 2 |
Inline-Code/preformatted Text
Text inbetween 2 lines with ``` symbols will not be interpreted as markdown, instead it will be displayed in a monospace font.
This is ideal for formatting code or keep pre-existing formatting.
This text will not be interpreted as markdown. Ideal for some python:
if True:
print("Hello World")
Comments that do not render in HTML
You will write a comment in your text, than you can write [//]: # (YOURTEXT)
[//]: # (This may be a comment)
Info Boxes
Content can be highlighted with different info boxes:
They can be used like this:
!!! danger
A box for dangerous stuff
!!! warning
A box for warnings
!!! info
A box for information
!!! success
A box for success