

CGM (kontinuierliche) Blutzuckkersensoren o'zapfen / CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) Tapping blood glucose sensors

Digitalcourage Ortsgruppe HH

FreeStyle Libre 3+ and Dexcom G7 offer diabetics the opportunity to monitor blood glucose levels from the human tissue via Bluetooth LE in “real time” (rtCGM) using a sensor that is changed every 15 days. It is then thrown away with all its components. Questions:

  • What data remains on the device?
  • Is the 15-day limit set by the software or does it last longer?

Anyone who is familiar with the protocol and has tips on how to access it is very welcome :-)

If you feel like it, you can also order sensors for yourself as a test - links below. Remember: questionnaires are a prerequisite, i.e. you are disclosing data!

However, at least one person is available as a “living test object” :-)

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