Karim Hamdi, Katarina Partti, Juho Kostet
It's the 2040’s. The dusty skyline of Helsinki is covered with vertical buildings reaching for the clouds. Autonomous drones deliver messages and items from layer to layer while robots maintain the aerial pathways across buildings. A sense of tension hangs in the air. Somewhere beneath the surface, hackers and corporates wage war over AI. Will they be able to master it, or will the City succumb to a dark technology? **Perhaps you can change the fate of things?**
What do Olaf Scholz, blue ikea bags, Moldova, Deutsche Bank, fine art, and Butyrka Prison have in common? Join us for a brief stroll through the hidden, shady world of large-scale tax fraud, cross-border financial crime, money laundering, and corruption. We’ll examine both common and lesser-known financial exploits, drawing on revelations from journalists, activists, and investigators over the last few decades.
-, Ania Poullain-Majchrzak
After years as a journalist and filmmaker covering topics like crypto, holocaust and showbiz, everything changed for me 3 years ago after the birth of my daughter. While I haven't planned to be a mother, I decided to keep this pregnancy at 41, however this grass turn out to be too high for lawn mower – I was ready to go for a rave, not to be locked in a baby dark room for 3 years. I felt like my brain had been reprogrammed overnight. The analytical mindset I once relied on—quick to analyse, explore, and understand complex topics—seemed to vanish, replaced by a simpler, instinct-driven state that prioritized pure survival and nurturing yet mixed with unhinged chaos, aux naturelle psychedelic downloads plus no sense of inhibition or fear of being seen. Hand cuffed to a rainbow I was gazing at the black clouds. Despite the shock at this involuntarily IQ transplant, I quickly realised this new mind-tool-set was all in all fulfilling and liberating. I became my own fire brigade with an alternative emergency strap-on. Without the pressure to think analytically, I began channelling this raw energy into my joke band PUShY PUShY PUShY, creating what I now call postpartum punk movement. The idea caught on – this summer we have been featured in the Guardian and The New Yorker. This fuels my missionarism towards another level: how can we embrace this wild, intuitive mindset, not only as parents but as people? And could new technologies help us experience or even learn from this state?
Kliment, Morag Hickman
We are a professional electronics designer and a professional artist. We'd like to share our experience of integrating an artist into the design workflow for EMF's 2022 and 2024 event badges, how we ensured that form and function grew together, and how you might make a board so fancy it crashes your PCB vendor’s CAM software.
The exploratory nature of artistic research can aide in the production of knowledge. Sometimes, this takes a detour through music-making mushrooms and making moonshine, sometimes it deals with societal reverberations of AI usage or how lithium extraction affects the planet. This talk gives an insight on how we do technology-assisted artistic research at ZKM | Hertzlab, the artistic research & development department of the Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe.