In this MultiversePlanetarySurfFlowMultiverse from Workshop / Playtest / Tutorial / Multiverse Sarah Fartuun Heinze brings a MultiverseMagical MusicTheatrical (participative & performative) GamePrinciple - LET'S PLAY : MUSICTHEATRE - and turns it into a common (game) material: A game whose rules we invent together while we play it. A story that we tell ourselves while we experience it together. Music that we create while we enjoy it.
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Sarah Fartuun Heinze invites everyone who feels like it to advance together in a questioning and aesthetically researching way, or: To stroll & wonder as a resistant strategy and because it's fun and good and
to try it out, to play. Multiverse.
Radically process-oriented & radically soft&kind. You don't need programming skills or any other prior knowledge. If you like to play - digital, analog, theatrical - you've come to the right place.
LET'S PLAY : MUSICTHEATRE celebrated its premiere test play at zeitraumexit Mannheim and was performed at FUSION FESTIVAL, the "Theater der Dinge" festival at Schaubude Berlin and the "Spurensuche" festival at HochX Munich. LET'S PLAY : MUSICTHEATRE has already turned into a university seminar once, was last played with 2 wind machines, 1 disco ball, StuhlTurmJengaSillyGoossry and many MultiverseSpielCuriousCrafting players at the Schwankhalle Bremen and was last transformed into a workshop - PlaneatrySurfFlkw as part of the "Queer B-Cademy: EMOTIONAL SPACE AGE" festival at Kampnagel.
Sarah Fartuun Heinze is with LET'S PLAY : MUSICTHEATRE the first time with an artistic research format at the CCC Congress and is looking forward to all fellow players and would especially like to invite (QTI*)BIPoC to play & dream & relax & rest & resist together
MultiverseMultiverse LovingLovingLovingLoving