
Day 1
Hacking Hardware Interfaces for Reticulum
ESP-NOW? Python? MicroPython? Reticulum? What's the connection? The interfaces we build in this workshop 🐍🍄📡🤝🌐

🛠️ Hacking Hardware Interfaces for Reticulum

Workshop - jitter; chris (OGM Assembly)

Practical Interface Workshop for Reticulum

🐍 (Python setup) → 🍄 (MicroPython flash) → 📡 (ESP-NOW interface) → 🤝 (peer networking) → 🌐 (mesh)

🎯 Workshop Goals

  • Demonstrate practical deployment of Reticulum without relying on traditional Internet infrastructure
  • Hands-on experience with alternative transport interfaces
  • Understanding real-world applications and limitations
  • Not about Rnode - the Reticulum assembly offers a workshop
    • Call this Enode? 😄

⚡ Requirements\r\n\r\n- At least one ESP32 device, two are preferable, but not required

  • Best is a device from m5stack but we will try to make any ESP32 work

  • Alternatively, bring a RPi Zero 2 so we can hack on USB-CDC post-workshop

  • A computer running Python 3 and an Editor

  • Age 12 or with parent 👶

  • Listeners are welcome, you do not have to particpate.

The workshop will use devices from Espressif - most ESP32 devices will work.

📡 ESP-NOW Overview

Differently put, no centralized infrastructure is required, it's peer-to-peer and offers a way of "multicasting".

💻 Implementation Details

  • Flashing MicroPython is probably the hardest part, so assembly staff will assist doing so.
  • Eventually, there will be some easy soldering required to add a secondary UART
  • The interface code is hosted in a GitHub repository.
  • mpbridge allows easy multiplatform upload and continous development.
  • Each participant tries to connect the interface built to the assemblies' Reticulum node.

📋 Workshop Preparation Checklist

Speaker: jitter

📚 Essential Reading

  • https://linuxinabit.codeberg.page/blog/reticulum/
  • https://github.com/micropython/micropython/wiki
  • https://github.com/espressif/esp-now/blob/master/User_Guide.md

💾 Software Prerequisites

  • Python 3.x installed and working
  • Your preferred code editor
  • Git client
  • USB drivers for ESP32 (Windows users)
  • Terminal emulator (like PuTTY, screen, or minicom)

🔧 Hardware Preparation

  • ESP32 device charged/functional
  • USB data cable (not charge-only)
  • USB-UART adapter (beneficial)

⚡ Before You Arrive

  • [ ] Test your Python environment
  • [ ] Clone the interface repository
  • [ ] Test USB connection to your ESP32
  • [ ] Read through basic MicroPython concepts
  • [ ] Install required Python packages (mpbridge, rns)
  • [ ] Review ESP-NOW protocol basics
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