
Day 3
Building OpenWrt for Resource-Constrained Hardware
Know about OpenWrt? Have a router running it? Did you consider building it yourself? Instead of trusting the vendor? Or want to run Reticulum on an existing OpenWrt device? Or one one that is tiny, portable and costs 25 euros? Lot's of questions, will bring some answers :)

Speaker: jitter

OpenWrt started 2004 - 20 years ago! to modify the Linksys WRT54G firmware OpenWrt 23.05 supports Over 1160+ distinct devices Across approximately 63 different SoC (System on Chip) platforms Grouped into major target architectures ARM (32/64-bit) MIPS (32/64-bit) PowerPC (yeah, that was popular) RISC-V (going big?) x86/x86_64

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