


Solarpunk is a movement in fiction, art and activism that is concerned with the question "what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?" ( It is based on an optimistic post-scarcity, post-hierarchy, post-capitalistic vision of a world beyond the climate crisis, but is equally interested in alternative practices that work in the present.

Solpunk is a community of solarpunks. The Solpunk assembly is a gathering place for anyone interested in creating anything solarpunk with others, where people meet and share space for workshops, discussions and knowledge sharing on many different topics directly or indirectly connected to what we perceive as solarpunk culture, technology and life. It's a space for lowtech and community tech, energy reduction and renewables, sharing resources, temporary nomadic community, dancing, alternative economy, creating a just future, hackathons, dumpster diving, opensource hardware, software and production, means of care and solidarity and community.

"We are solarpunks because optimism has been taken away from us and we are trying to take it back. We are solarpunks because the only other options are denial or despair."




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assembly badges

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